The America I Remember

Pride, Justice, Peace

D”Ope”ra For President?


I have said all along another O racist, there is something about the O’s that leave a bad taste in my mouth. 2nd coming of O, no thanks. She pandered to the white people for years to curry favor.

I remember the real D”Ope’Rah back in the old days, she was one of those wacko talk show host’s, she’s nothing more than a Tawdry cheap suit. By the end of Trumps first term, D”Ope’Rah will be a distant nightmare, along with the other O’s.

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VA CORRUPTION.  Folks this is a big deal to me and my fellow Verteran’s.  God sent us Donald Trump, our savior.

via BREAKING : More Promises Kept! The Feds Begin Corruption Investigation at the VA – TruthFeed