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D”Ope”ra For President?


I have said all along another O racist, there is something about the O’s that leave a bad taste in my mouth. 2nd coming of O, no thanks. She pandered to the white people for years to curry favor.

I remember the real D”Ope’Rah back in the old days, she was one of those wacko talk show host’s, she’s nothing more than a Tawdry cheap suit. By the end of Trumps first term, D”Ope’Rah will be a distant nightmare, along with the other O’s.

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VA CORRUPTION.  Folks this is a big deal to me and my fellow Verteran’s.  God sent us Donald Trump, our savior.

via BREAKING : More Promises Kept! The Feds Begin Corruption Investigation at the VA – TruthFeed

Nothin’ goin’ on in Sweeden! Nope! Nothing to see here folks!…

Nothin’ goin’ on in Sweeden! Nope! Nothing to see here folks!…

Swedish police warns that Stockholm’s main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children.

The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.

Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.



Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in the number of Moroccan under-18s who apply for asylum without a parent or guardian in the past four years, with many later running away from the housing provided to live on the streets in the capital.  It would appear that these missing children are now dug in at the train station where they have brought authorities “to their knees.”

Stockholm police estimate that at least 200 Moroccan street children move in the area around the main train station in the centre of the capital, sleeping rough, and living off criminal activity.

‘These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,’ one police officer told SVT.

‘They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this.

by Tyler Durden  Jan 25, 2016 11:30 PM

Black Leader Endorses Donald Trump: Democrats ‘Ask Us For Everything, Give Nothing Back’

I am proud of the Black Community for finally waking up to the #Facts I have been espousing for many years how the Democrats are the one’s dis-enfranchising the blacks, they were called the Dixie “c”Rats, back in the day, because they were the KKK supporters, and members, not the Republicans.


There is a misconception, that the Republicans are the racist party, and that couldn’t be the furthest from the truth, if you do your homework, you will find my statement to be true, i.e. Strom Thurmond and KKK Robert Bird both were Klan members, both original Dixiecrat’s. Once again a Republican, Donald Trump will make a better world for the black community’s, as the Republicans have since Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.

Click below for the article.