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D”Ope”ra For President?


I have said all along another O racist, there is something about the O’s that leave a bad taste in my mouth. 2nd coming of O, no thanks. She pandered to the white people for years to curry favor.

I remember the real D”Ope’Rah back in the old days, she was one of those wacko talk show host’s, she’s nothing more than a Tawdry cheap suit. By the end of Trumps first term, D”Ope’Rah will be a distant nightmare, along with the other O’s.

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VA CORRUPTION.  Folks this is a big deal to me and my fellow Verteran’s.  God sent us Donald Trump, our savior.

via BREAKING : More Promises Kept! The Feds Begin Corruption Investigation at the VA – TruthFeed

White people need to lose the #WhiteGuilt

81bd3a516b58b514a3136edbd516e59b59b94bea715f1884c6c048e4ec9f8190_1 3025a802f9c17ba149b5b5d4713dbbbb white-guiltWhite people need to lose the #whiteGuilt syndrome, black people today never had it better in this country, today we have the poor, middle class, upper middle class, and the rich, PERIOD. Politicians especially Democrats have done a fine job dissecting us into many different categories so they can get elected every 2 yrs. We are the American people, as Donald Trump addresses us, there should be no divide, we had our Civil War, and to be where we are today, you would think we never had one.

The founders guaranteed us a shot, that’s it, the rest is up to us. Today, there are more black multi millionaires, including our so called President, ever in our history. You don’t see white people, more specifically poor & middle class white people, pillaging, rioting the street’s,and beating people bc some how justifying it bc other groups of people are some how privileged.

I see white people for the most part parting ways for black people since the Civil war days, About time we stand up and say #WhiteLives matter, and give them the accolades for being great humanitarians, especially the white Christians.

Lastly, some of my personal hero’s; great American stories b.t.w. are Willie Mays, Judge Thomas, Allen West just to name a few. Allen West is a great American hero in my eyes, he doesn’t’ see color, he see’s what most white people see, a free America where any man or woman, no matter what color can achieve their goals, while having the right to speak their mind, and protect themselves without the fear of the Govt throwing them in jail.

No group of people should have anymore rights than any other group, we are all Americans and we all share equal rights, the founders didn’t write in equal class standing , they gave us tools to go out on our own and achieve our desires what ever they may be.